An organisation's assets are primarily its people, its technology and its real estate, and all three assets are optimised with raised access floors; workspaces are made flexible as desks can be shifted and wires reconnected with minimal effort; cables and connections can be housed with minimal disruption and can be easily accessed for maintenance; and space is used more efficiently, thus creating an optimal integration of people, furniture and technology.

    RFT profile

    RFT products and services offer a range of advantages to developers and users, such as:

    Developer Advantages: immediate fit-out
    speed of construction
    no mess
    saving on fixed partitioning costs
    building maintenance savings
    increase in real estate value and rentability
    short term returns on investment
    prolongation of a building's life
    User Advantages: clean, efficient cable networking
    flexibility and versatility
    possibility of free space partitioning
    accommodation of larger number of human resouce
    power savings on air conditioning
    sub-floor cooling option